Extras (because I love research)
Even a fantasy writer has to get her facts straight—especially if her books are set at least partly in the real world the way mine are. You have to know what causes a thunderstorm, who ushered dead Babylonians to the afterlife, what frostbite feels like, what tools a woodcarver uses.
Sometimes pursuing those little bits of knowledge can be so much fun you have to force yourself to stop and, you know, write the book.
Because I do a fair amount of research and enjoy it a little too much, I have unused facts rattling around in my head with nowhere to go. So I figure I might as well share them. Click on the links below to see what I’ve come up with.
The Two-handed Hammerer: The author builds a house and breaks hammering conventions.
All About Banshees: Some are scarier than others.
Ancient Irish Trivia: Teasing could be a crime.
Ashling’s Ireland: Life wasn’t easy.
Who’s Who in the Underworld: Nergal’s my favorite. The Cailleach is runner up.
It’s Real! (Well, Some of It): See the photo at the bottom of this page? Fairies lived in that wall.
Who the Heck is Degas? Impressionism and an obsession with ballerinas.